Please consider the following when setting up art files for cartons and displays:
Each process involves different design specifications. The most common processes are shown below. Digital printing is also available.
Lithographic Label Files:
- Digital art may be supplied as Illustrator, InDesign, Quark and/or Photoshop files. PDFs are acceptable in some cases. No low-resolution jpegs, please.
- Photographic images should be high-resolution (300dpi) images at full size.
- Please outline text whenever possible, or provide all fonts needed.
- Critical text/artwork should be a minimum of 1/4″ away from the dieline edge and/or scores.
- Minimum bleed is 1/2″ out from the dieline. NOTE: If we supply a dieline with label trim included, please bleed the art 1/8″ out from the label trim area.
Flexographic/Direct Print Files:
- Digital line art should preferably be vector-based (i.e., Adobe Illustrator) images. Photoshop line art should be 600dpi minimum.
- Photographic image resolution should be at least 150dpi at full size.
- Touching colors will be trapped (overlapped about 3/32″) to allow for press movement during printing.
- Text size minimum is 8 points, if possible.
- Line weight minimum is 1 point.
- Critical text/artwork should be a minimum of 1/2″ away from the dieline edge and/or scores.
- Minimum bleed is 3/8″ out from the dieline.
Dielines or Templates:
Dielines are necessary to assure the proper size and placement of art. Your Packaging Consultant can obtain one for you in your preferred format: (AI, PDF, EPS, etc.)
File transfers:
You can send large files to us at no charge by using the following service:
Current Applications/Version:
Our graphics department is Windows & Macintosh-based. Available programs include all Adobe CS versions Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign) and QuarkXPress 7.3.
Please supply the following:
- Complete, workable CMYK files; preferably in their native file format.
- A color printout of the file (when sending art by mail).
- All supporting files: Linked files and fonts.
- Appropriate Pantone or GCMI spot colors (if applicable) – indicate coated or uncoated for Pantone. If you need a specific custom color, please provide a sample for color matching.
- Name of company, project and contact person for any questions related to the project.